Roch Subwoofer : RS-6030


Models: RS-6030
Canal: 3.1
Output power: 70W
Frequency response: 38 Ha-20 KHz
Separation:> 60db


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Product Description

Roch-6030 home theatre offers more style, more excellent acoustics design, a sense of full bass unit, high-resolution treble unit, sound impressive and integrated a variety of playback. It comes with a built-in digital mixer and a stereo signal input that can be switched. Has a slim remote control that is easy to operate. With its full voltage power supply, enjoy the sound quality with constant output.

Models: RS-6030
Canal: 3.1
Output power: 70W
Frequency response: 38 Ha-20 KHz
Separation:> 60db
Tension : 220-240V33
Remote control
Color: Black

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